Cancelling or Returning Your Order


Local Orders (W3, W4, W5, W7, W13 & TW8)

If you change your mind about your order, you can cancel it within 14 days of the date you receive it for a full refund, minus a collection fee of £5.

If you cancel your order before the day of delivery you will receive a full refund.

If you wish to cancel or return all or part of your order, please email

We are unable to accept a return in person and it must be collected by us.

Rest of England & Wales

If you change your mind about your order, you can cancel it within 14 days of the date you receive it for a full refund, minus the cost of postage & packaging which will depend on circumstances.

If you cancel your order before the day of delivery you will receive a full refund.

If you wish to cancel or return all or part of your order, please email  and we will arrange for a return label for you to ship back to us. Please use the packaging that your delivery arrived in.

We are unable to accept a return in person and it must be posted back to us.

Faulty Goods

If you find your wine is corked or otherwise faulty, please contact us via email at so we can arrange a suitable solution. We are only able to offer refunds or replacements within 6 months of your purchase and with an accompanying proof of purchase.